About Us
JCP Construction Products is a leading supplier of high-quality construction fixings in the UK and Ireland.

Established in 2001, we have grown to be a leading force in the UK fixings market, offering unrivalled technical support.
The specialist fixings division of Owlett-Jaton, JCP supplies a wide range of anchoring products for use within the construction industry.

Supplying fixings to suit a variety of applications, JCP products come with full technical specification and include CE and ETA certified ranges.
With quality and technical support underpinning JCP’s approach, continual innovation ensures our range of products meets the ever-changing demands of the industry.
On-Site Support
Our highly trained field representatives offer onsite testing throughout the UK.
Our technical team offer training sessions to provide a hands-on-experience with our fixings.
Technical Data Library
Data sheets provide load, range and performance data.
Our technical support team provides technical back up when required.
Technical Support
Highly experienced, our technical support team have many years of knowledge within the industry and can be relied upon to offer guidance when required.
Learn MoreJCP is a member of the European Consortium of Anchor Products

A small group of small and medium-sized European producers, the members join forces in a 100% self-financed consortium to influence the standardisation of their products. The products include mechanical, chemical and plastic anchors, powder-actuated tools and their components, concrete and woodscrews and 3-D nailing plates.

Quality Assurance
Our products are sourced from approved leading global manufacturers which are certified and provide full product traceability. We carry out rigorous checks on manufacturers before engaging to ensure products conform to the quality standards required.

We have a strong commitment to minimising the impact on the environment of our activities. We have achieved the ISO 14001:2015 accreditation for our environmental management system and are constantly trying to improve our performance.
Read our latest company news including information on new product launches, product testing and case studies.